Friday, May 1, 2015

Five on Friday!

1. Outside Walks - Some friends and I have decided to start walking together every Tuesday, this past Tuesday was the first time, and the weather was so perfect! I am so excited about being able to be outside more!

2. The Best Yes - I started this book last week, and haven't wanted to put it down. . . unfortunately I haven't had many chances to read so it's going a bit slower than I had hoped. But if you haven't read it, you need to! This book is such an encouragement and a rebuke at the same time! I'm already seeing it make a difference in the decisions I make. 

3. Bonfire - We just recently started a small group in our church, and it has been going so well. This past Sunday we had a bonfire, and it was so wonderful to hang out with all of our good friends!

4. Audra McDonald - Tonight a friend and I are going to see Audra in concert. And this song. . . there are no words. . . 

5. Friday - I can't think of another highlight for this week, but that fact that today is Friday is highlight enough!! 

I'm linking up with Caitlin, Amy, and April!


  1. Stopping by from the H54F link up. :) How awesome that you're enjoying the fellowship of the small group from your church. A bonfire sounds perfect! :) Have a fabulous first weekend of May!!

  2. Hello from the Oh hey Friday link up! That bonfire looks incredible - being outside by the fire with the greatest friends is always wonderful. It looks like your new small group is awesome.

    Glad I stumbled upon your blog - we have quite a bit in common. My husband is also in ministry and it's just the two of us and our pup :) Have a good weekend!

    Kelsey @

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey girl! Just stumbled across your blog. I'll definitely be checking out that book, as a SAHM of two mini's the demands on my mind are constant, I'll add it to my Kindle! So glad you have an awesome small group, we might be changing ours, such lovely people but just don't seem to have those deep friendships you have with yours & after nearly 7 years in the group it might be time for a move! Love Bonfires. Best Lizzie XO
    Lizzie Somerset at


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