Monday, August 18, 2014

Seasons of Love

I was thinking about today's post, and all I could focus on was my to-do list, which seems like a very Mondayish thing to focus on. Over the next few months, my to-do list will be growing, mainly because today Aaron is starting up his grad school again. 

When we first got married he took a couple of classes, but I wasn't working full-time and we weren't really involved in a ministry. Things have certainly changed though! I am now working full-time, teaching music lessons on the side, and am really involved in the church youth ministry, as well as a few of the administrative tasks. Aaron's obviously involved since he is the Youth and Children's pastor. 

The past couple of weeks I've found myself frustrated with the thought of the extra work I'll need to be doing. Aaron is absolutely amazing so he often cleans the house and does the grocery shopping on his day off - Monday. Since Aaron will be so much busier, I'll get to take over these jobs. . . you may be sitting there thinking this girl is crazy it's not that big of a deal, but I'm awful at that stuff especially the cleaning part! And while I may be better now than I was when we first got married, leaving the cleaning up to me is a scary thought! (Just ask Aaron, my mom, or any of my college roommates!)

However, I love this man. And in every season of life my love will be manifested in different ways. When we were dating in college it was sitting together even when we were just doing homework, over our long distance dating it was taking the time to call him(it was a sacrifice - I hate talking on the phone), or send him letters. These past couple months it's been expressing my appreciation for all of his help while I was involved with Oklahoma! I know that during this season what will help him most is having a clean home and full fridge! A dirty house stressed him out, and that definitely doesn't help when you're studying or taking a test! 

As awful as I may be at these things I know that during this season of our life, this is the best way to show love! Later this week I'll be sharing my cleaning schedule!! Fingers crossed that I'll actually stick to it!

All of this to say. . . love your man! We're all in different seasons of love, and I know that every person wants to be loved in a different way, but be thankful that you have someone to love! Love him, regardless of how busy you are at work, how many children you have, or how often you see your special someone. There will always be an excuse, but love is a choice, and I promise you'll both be a whole lot happier if you choose to love him! 

What season of love are you in? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!


  1. Wonderful post- Don't feel alone, I'm terrible at cleaning too


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