Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Martian & Other Reading

I have to say I'm pretty proud of how much reading I've done over the past few weeks. I am currently on my 30th book. 

I just finish the Emily books by L.M. Montgomery. They were very good, and I fell in love with Emily almost as much as Anne, I did read a lot of reviews that noted the darker writing, and I completely agree with that, but I still liked them. 

I also read A Thousand Country Roads - an epilogue to The Bridges of Madison County. I had always wanted to hear the rest of that story, this was a heartbreaking book, it didn't make me cry or anything, but I did hurt for every character!

I received The Martian from Blogging for Books for this review. I was so excited when I saw this was an option to read. I saw the trailer a couple months ago, and thought it looked so interesting. This book was so good! It was very intellectual and there were a couple parts I had to reread because of the science/math. I kinda looks books like that, I feel like they force you to use your brain, when so many books now-a-days are just fluff that you don't have to think about. While it was very intellectual it was very funny! There were quite a few times that the sarcasm and wit literally made me laugh out loud. They were just enough plot twists to keep it interesting and keep you reading well into the night! I would definitely recommend this, and I can't wait to see if the movie does it justice! 


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