Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Gracekeepers

Continuing on my Reading Challenge journey! I need to step up my game, that is for sure!

One of the best things I've discovered while doing this challenge, is the Blogging for Books program. I've received 4 books from them so far, their service is amazingly fast, and I think it's great that I get to read all these books that I wouldn't normally get.

The Gracekeepers was a very original and well written book. Often now-a-days you can feel like you're reading the same story over and over again. . . you know what I mean! This world setting was so interesting and made the story really intriguing. The two main characters were well thought out and very likable. I was very surprised the book ended where it did. I can't say I liked the ending that the author gave, but I didn't write it! I would recommend this book, but I probably wouldn't spend money on it. It was good, and I appreciated the new world the author created for us, but I don't think she developed that world as much as she could have.

*I received this book from Blogging for Books" for this review.
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